Every time you upload information on a web hosting server, it will take an amount of storage space on the hard disk drive dependent on its overall size. In the event that you run a script-driven website which saves its data in a database, it will require more space, the more people use it. For example, in the event that you have a community forum, the more comments people leave, the larger the database shall get. E-mail messages, particularly ones having attachments, also take some disk space in the site hosting account. The hard disk space quota that you receive with any web hosting supplier is the full amount of info you could have at any moment, and it contains website files, emails plus databases. Likewise, a home PC has a hdd and the programs installed on it in addition to all documents and / or music files that you create or download require some disk space, which cannot exceed the full capacity of the hard disk.

Disk Space in Web Hosting

Our web hosting plans were designed with the idea that not sufficient storage space should not be something that will prevent the progress of your websites. Which is why we have taken an approach which is more advanced than the one that most website hosting providers apply - instead of creating a number of accounts on one server and subsequently running out of disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform where the storage is handled by a whole cluster of servers. That's why, we're able to install more machines whenever they're necessary and more hard disks, so as to offer additional disk space for all of the files of our clients. Separate clusters control your e-mail messages as well as your databases, therefore not only can you increase the size of your web sites without having to worry about storage space, but also all of the servers will function faster and better as each and every service features its own space and one server doesn't handle different kinds of files.